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Light sculpture, Elias Derboven

Driesnellenstraat, 2060 Antwerp

Head over to Driesnellenstraat in Antwerp’s ‘den Dam’ neighbourhood to see an original artwork: a light sculpture with a text in the form of a bird. The artwork was installed at the neighbourhood’s request and enhances the street’s appearance.

Artist Elias Derboven
‘You can “read” the work in various ways. From afar it resembles a bird, but from close up the text becomes visible. It encourages people to move closer.’

Een baobab steekt zijn wortels in de lucht
en klauwt naar een toerako in vrije vlucht.

(A baobab sticks its roots up in the air, clawing at a turaco in free flight)

(two lines taken from a text entitled “De Migrant” (The Migrant), about 50 years of immigration, written by Wilfried Defillet, a community builder of Samenlevingsopbouw Antwerpen, Antwerp North neighbourhood team).

Driesnellenstraat, 2060 Antwerp


More information
tel. 03 338 35 50

Art Integration Project in collaboration with local residents on the Dam. This project is a collaboration between Middelheimmuseum, Community Development, Urban Wijkoverleg, Area Director and the neighborhood and district Antwerp.

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