New relations
In COME CLOSER, the participating artists all make room for new relations between artist, artwork and audience. An exciting exchange and connection replaces the traditional distance between the three. Sculptures in bronze and stone go through the same living processes as the bodies of performers. Spectators help to create the artwork. Artists replace the object on the pedestal with a living body. Sculptures are changeable, fluid even.
The manner in which objects in museums are categorized, preserved, and presented is evolving. As well is the role of the spectator who is not solely involved at the end of the artistic process. COME CLOSER shows that artists today continue to push the boundaries of where the artwork begins and ends.

Val uit je rol
De kunstenaars leveren niet zomaar objecten om getoond te worden, maar blijven zelf betrokken of nodigen andere makers uit om hun werk te vervolledigen. Ze vragen eenzelfde betrokkenheid van het publiek, dat niet zomaar een passieve rol speelt, maar zelf ook actief aan het creatieproces kan deelnemen.
Zo zegt COME CLOSER niet alleen iets over de kunst van vandaag, maar ook over ons leven van elke dag. Want ook in de talloze interacties die we aangaan, dagelijks, nemen we telkens andere rollen op. Tegelijk altijd onszelf, zijn we ook telkens een beetje iemand anders: online of niet, tussen collega’s, bij onze ouders, bij vrienden. Het is 'performen' in voortdurende uitwisseling met onze omgeving, en onderhevig aan allerlei factoren.
Daarbij maken we voortdurend keuzes, actief of passief. Tonen we onszelf als individu of zetten we ons in voor het collectief? Willen we een persoonlijke of een sociale ervaring? Hoeveel maken we zichtbaar, en wat houden we verborgen? Dat alles gebeurt grotendeels onbewust. Tot iemand ons een andere rol aanbiedt, of hierover een gesprek opent.
COME CLOSER is een speelse uitnodiging om uit onze rol te vallen, en een nieuwe uit te proberen.
A new involvement
The artists do not simply provide objects to be shown but remain involved themselves or invite other creators to complete their work. And they demand the same involvement from the audience, which does not simply play a passive role, but can actively participate in the creation process itself.
Thus, this project says something not only about art today, but also about our everyday lives. Because even in the countless interactions we engage in daily, we take on different roles each time. As ourselves, we are constantly also something or someone else at the same time: whether online or offline, among colleagues, with our parents, or with friends. It is “performing” in constant exchange with our environment and subject to all kinds of factors.

Different roles
In doing so, we are constantly making choices, actively or passively. Do we show ourselves as individuals or do we act for the collective? Do we want a personal or a social experience?
How much do we make visible and what do we keep hidden? All this happens largely unconsciously. Until someone offers us a different role or opens up a conversation about it.
COME CLOSER is a playful invitation to step out of our role and try out a new one.
Participating artists
Isabelle Andriessen, Chloë Bass, Elen Braga, Zuzanna Czebatul, Dries Depoorter, Monika Grabuschnigg, Anthea Hamilton, Roger Hiorns, Florentina Holzinger, Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation, Joan Jonas, Kiluanji Kia Henda, Paul Kindersley, Hew Locke, Tuur & Flup Marinus & Ariadna Estalella Alba, Monsters Assembly, Isamu Noguchi, Temitayo Ogunbiyi, Amanda Piña, Sarah & Charles, Ula Sickle, SUPERFLEX, Dennis Tyfus, Stef Van Looveren, Liliane V.
All summer long
At the Middelheim Museum, you'll discover around forty sculptures, installations, and performances. DE SINGEL will present a series of performances that explore the boundaries of performance art.
A festive opening weekend at the Middelheim Museum and a grand closing party at DE SINGEL will mark the boundaries of COME CLOSER. In between these events, there will also be a performance weekend at the Middelheim Museum every month.
Discover artists and programme
Credit foto header: Paul Kindersley, 'The Dreamer of the Forest' (video, 2024) - Photo: studio pramudiya, npi
Credit foto under: Joan Jonas, 'Mirror Piece I & II' (performance in Middelheimmuseum) - Photo: Tom Cornille