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The ambition to make information about the Antwerp Public Art Collection accessible to the public and art professionals, gives rise to a focus on research, debate and reflection.

A knowledge platform

The Antwerp Public Art Collection is also a platform for generating and distributing knowledge concerning artworks in the city and questions about art in public space. The main formats for achieving this are interviews with artists, talks, symposia, archive presentations and hybrid exhibition formats.

An important part of the research-driven way of working are thematic research projects, in which a specific aspect or piece of the Antwerp Public Art Collection is considered more closely. The inclusion of multiple approaches and a combination of both artistic and academic perspectives are essential to all our research projects.


Expanding archives

The Antwerp Public Art Collection administers ever-expanding archives that contain important information on the collection and its history: historical pictures, official documents concerning acquisitions and decisions, correspondence with artists and museum staff, catalogues, newspaper clippings, etc. Inventorising these archives and making them accessible, both physically and digitally, is a long-term project to which we shall devote ourselves in the years to come.

For questions on the Antwerp Public Art Collection archives you can e-mail

Dreaming Under the Pedestal

Artistic investigations into the Antwerp Public Art Collection

Students from the In Situ program at the Antwerp Royal Academy of Fine Arts (2023-2024) study the Public Art Collection and develop possible artistic interventions. 

Pass By

Proposals for Interventions in the Art in the City Collection Antwerp

Students from the In Situ program at the Antwerp Royal Academy of Fine Arts (2021-2022) study the Public Art Collection and develop possible artistic interventions. 

Ready, Not made

Students from the In Situ program at the Antwerp Royal Academy of Fine Arts (2020-2021) study the Public Art Collection and develop possible artistic interventions. 

Zooming in / Zooming out. On Colonial Monuments


A symposium on colonial monuments gathering scholars, artists and cultural workers to reflect upon historical attitudes, healing gestures, artists’ responses, and institutional choices.

Leopold II: 1873-2020

On 9 June 2020, a statue of King Leopold II (1835-1909) was removed from the public space of Ekeren, Antwerp, where it had stood since 1873. Its removal was a highly charged occurrence and led to numerous questions being addressed at the museum. The below text contains the answer to some of those questions.