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My Little Paradise

26 May until 15 September 2013

Seven national and international artists reflect on the art historical significance of the Garden of Eden and about the contemporary, social significance of a paradise.

Vic Gentils and Rezsö Berczeller. 1+1=33

24 February until 1 September 2013

The "Large Chess set" (1966-67) by Vic Gentils (1919-1997, Belgium), a monumental installation with 32 unique pieces, is in the Braem Pavilion.

Kader Attia. Culture, Another Nature Repaired

25 October 2014 until 29 March 2015

Kader Attia (°1970), a Franco-Algerian artist, presents his first solo museum show in Belgium in the Het Huis exhibition pavilion and in Hortiflora.

Allegory of the Cave Painting. The Other Way Around

25 October 2014 until 29 March 2015

The Middelheim Museum and Extra City Kunsthal jointly present a dual exhibition featuring the work of modern and contemporary painters, who provide an answer to the prehistoric Bradshaw paintings in Western Australia.

DE SOKKEL #8: Nicholas J. Hoffman

5 October 2014 until 17 April 2015

Nicholas J. Hoffman was selected during an international open call, which was launched by the Middelheim Museum and AIR Antwerp. He created a new work for De Sokkel during a four-month residency.

DE SOKKEL #7: Jef Geys

1 May until 21 September 2014

Jef Geys, one of the Belgium’s most prominent and prolific artists, has created an interactive installation in Antwerp’s Central Park for this edition of De Sokkel. The plinth is transformed into an advertising column.

Ângela Ferreira

Ângela Ferreira was born in Maputo (Mozambique) in 1958, settled in Cape Town (South Africa) in 1975, moved to Lisbon (Portugal) in the early 1990s and now commutes between Cape Town and Lisbon.

Bodys Isek Kingelez

Born in 1948 in Kimbembele Ihunga in the Belgian Congo, moved to Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo) in 1970, where he passed away in 2015.

Hank Willis Thomas

Hank Willis Thomas was born in 1976 in New Jersey (United States), he lives and works in New York (United States).

Ibrahim Mahama

Born in 1987 in Tamale (Ghana), lives and works in Accra, Kumasi and Tamale (all in Ghana).

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